Friday, September 12, 2008
Surabaya The Heroic City
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Surabaya is provincial city of east java and Indonesia's second largest city to Jakarta in size, population and commerce. East Java is known for the most industrialized . East Java is known for the most industrialized province in the nation. Its economy is based on agriculture fishery, oil industries, coffee, mangoes and apples.
Surabaya and other city in east Java is well conected by good motor roads and train services, there are also air services between Surabaya and other major cities in the country including Bali which is only half hour flight a way. At the end of World War II many Indonesians believed that independence was imminent. Few realized that it would be another five years of fighting before the country became a fully independence republic. The area around Surabaya became the witness of some of the heaviest fighting, and the Battle of Surabaya in November 10, 1946, which cost the lives of thousands of Indonesians, is became a symbol of resistance of the re-imposition of Dutch colonial rule. Surabaya known as the ' City of Heroes' because of its role in the nation's independence struggle.
Surabaya Custom & Traditions
Culturally, Surabaya is pluralistic city. Population in this city around 4 million people with innumerable ethnic groups live there. The major ones the Javanese and the Madurese. As far as art is concerned, actually there is no traditional arth which originally comes from Surabaya. But because Surabaya is most important city in all aspects of life in Eastern Java and the dynamic trait of the people, various branches of traditional art from other regions have found Surabaya as their new home. Because the people of Surabaya are open, all kind of art whose characteristics are in line with the characteristics of the people are welcome.
Surabaya Music & Dance
Tari Remo or local called Tari Ngeremo is a welcoming dance performed by single dancer or by group of dancer. Because the dancers are either men or women, Remo dance has two styles: masculine and feminine. Very often women dancers perform masculine-style Remo Dance and men dancers perform feminine-style Remo Dance.
Tari Remo was originally danced at the beginning of Ludruk performance, but later it is developed into a dance performed at parties, folk festivals or at the commemorations of national holidays.
Tari Remo was originally danced at the beginning of Ludruk performance, but later it is developed into a dance performed at parties, folk festivals or at the commemorations of national holidays.
Ludruk is popular traditional theatre at east Java, specially in Surabaya. Ludruk has spread fast from Surabaya to its contiguous towns, such as Jombang and Mojokerto. Ludruk performance settings usually are contemporary urban households and the human actors speak the local dialect.
Surabaya Art & Home Industry
Gold and Silver modern industry can be found in Surabaya. The center of industries located at Rungkut area while the show room of original Gold and Silver product spread at many mall and plaza at the down town.
Leather craft can be found at Sidoarjo, Tanggulangin, almost 30 km south from Surabaya. It is the center of leather home industry. You can find bag, shoes, jacket, belt, wallet and leather products.
Around Kenjeran beach you can find shells or mollusc's handy craft made by the local people. In this places you can find traditional crafts made of cowries, shark tooth and variety shells.
Surabaya Landmark and Museum
Surabaya Monument is symbol of the city officially found in 1293. The monument describes legendary battle between a shark (Sura) and a Crocodile (Baya).
Mpu Tantular Museum is keeping the cultural treasures of Indonesia during the course of its history for centuries. The collection of the ancient Indonesian artifacts in the museum are classified in eleven separate rooms
Bambu Runcing Monument located at Jl Sudirman. This is one of monument that describe traditional weapons used to fight Dutch army in 1945. At saturday night, many member of motor or car club meet in around here.
Monkasel (Monumen Kapal Selam) Is submarine monument. The submarine monument is located in the bank of Kalimas river, on the east corner of Surabaya Plaza. The brief history of this submarine started a long time ago, this ship was called KRI Pasopati with the body number of 410 lt was one of the element of Indonesian submarine Army Unit on the east region. This submarine had done many operations to defend the Indonesian independence and even in the "Trikora" operation to gain Irian Jaya (Papua) back to its mother land. At this time this submarine was in the front line.
Majapahit Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Opened in 1910 as Oranye Hotel and was Surabaya's finest. In 1942 the Japanese renamed the hotel into Yamato Hotel and after their defeat an attempt to make it Orange again precipitated an incident in 1945, Indonesian youth scaling the building's squat tower to tear off the blue strip from the Dutch tricolor on the flagpole, leaving the red and white flag of Indonesia.
Jembatan Merah (red bridge) Is one of the most savage fighting ever in Surabaya after Indonesia Independence. Further down the Red Bridge is the China town, surrounding the are with of typical Chinese building. It is still the most crowded business and trade center.
Masjid Ampel (Ampel Mosque)
Masjid Ampel and Ampel Market is one of interest places in Surabaya, behind the mosque is Sunan Ampel tomb, one of the nine saints (Wali Songo) who built the mosque. On the left and right way to the mosque, there are market where typical Arabian souvenirs are sold complete with Madinah market atmosphere.
Masjid Ampel and Ampel Market is one of interest places in Surabaya, behind the mosque is Sunan Ampel tomb, one of the nine saints (Wali Songo) who built the mosque. On the left and right way to the mosque, there are market where typical Arabian souvenirs are sold complete with Madinah market atmosphere.
Tugu Pahlawan Monument
Is a hero monument. This monument stands, like za rocket pointed towards the moon, in Taman Kebunrojo opposite the East Java Governor's office in jl Pahlawan. The statue is 45 yards high stands on Pahlawan street is not ornate or even decorative, not particularly large, but its simplicity may have been the deliberate plan of its architect to convey humble, rather than bellicose, pride.
Is a hero monument. This monument stands, like za rocket pointed towards the moon, in Taman Kebunrojo opposite the East Java Governor's office in jl Pahlawan. The statue is 45 yards high stands on Pahlawan street is not ornate or even decorative, not particularly large, but its simplicity may have been the deliberate plan of its architect to convey humble, rather than bellicose, pride.
Jalesveva Jayamahe Monument
Describes a figure of a middle rank TNI AL (Indonesia National Navy) officer wearing a complete uniform, looking to the direction of the sea. The 30.8 meters high statue is standing on top of the 26,1 meters high building. On some part of the building, there are diorama of heroic history of the navy since the era of physical pre-revolution up until the 90's. This building is also function as an Executive Meeting Room.
Describes a figure of a middle rank TNI AL (Indonesia National Navy) officer wearing a complete uniform, looking to the direction of the sea. The 30.8 meters high statue is standing on top of the 26,1 meters high building. On some part of the building, there are diorama of heroic history of the navy since the era of physical pre-revolution up until the 90's. This building is also function as an Executive Meeting Room.
Judul: Surabaya
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